Root Motorola Backflip

Root your Motorola Backflip
Simple guide to root your Motorola backflip
Download moto USB drivers for 32bit/x86 or 64bit/x64 and install.
Download the android sdk. Extract in your c drive and check if adb.exe is present in “c:\android-sdk_r07-windows\android-sdk-windows\tools”
Download the rageagainsttheccdage file and unzip and extract to c drive and make sure two files and two folders are present in “c:\Moto_Root”
Download this backflip-1.5.bat batch file unzip and save anywhere.
Download and install 'terminal emulator' from market on your Motorola Backflip
1. Enable USB debugging mode on your phone from Menu > Settings > Applications > Development.
2. Connect your phone to your PC via USB and set connection to PC Mode i.e. Charge Only.
3. Run the batch file you downloaded (Req. No. 4) by double clicking on it. If a screen shows up and stops at a “$” prompt for you then its ok. If the black screen closes instantly make sure you have extracted the files correctly as mentioned in the requirements.
4. Keep your phone connected to your PC, launch ‘Android Terminal Emulator’ or your favorite terminal app on it and enter the following commands in the app:

cd /data/local/tmp

5. You should eventually see this output on the phone:

[+] Forked xxxx childs.

Once this message appears, tap the Enter key and then enter the ‘exit’ command. That should close Terminal Emulator.
6. Launch Terminal Emulator on your phone again. If you see a # prompt, proceed to the next step.   If you don’t see it, reboot the phone and try again.               
 Note: In case you can’t get the # prompt even after rebooting, repeat steps 4, 5 and 6 to try again. If you still have no luck with getting the # prompt, use these ADB commands on the computer:

7. adb kill-server
adb devices
adb shell

You should now have a # prompt.

8. Finally, in Terminal Emulator on your phone, enter the following commands:


That’s all – your phone should now be rooted.
Enjoy custom roms and other mods.

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