Better Performance for Motorola Backflip

Settings for better performance and battery life:

Goto Settings - CyanogenMod Settings - Performance Settings - CPU settings.

Set your Max CPU frequency to 691Mhz.(any higher will result in random reboots) .
Select “Set on boot”.

Goto Settings - CyanogenMod Settings - Disable Compcache RAM Usage - Uncheck “Use JIT”.

Make sure “Enable surface Dithering” is unchecked.

Check “Lock home in memory

Check “Lock messaging app in memory”.

If using JIT, set “VM Heap Size” to 16m. (the lower the faster, though if you plan to run games and heavier apps you would want to have this set to at minimum 16m)

Note: These are tested settings. Do not blame me if your phone doesn’t listen to you
Most of the content from XDA.

OPTIONAL: (for better battery life)
Settings – accounts & sync – you may turn off background data or even manage your accounts by removing unnecessary sync.

Tip: Can turn off the data connection when not required (night / working hrs) using power control widget.

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